Hello Friends, Today I am writing my second tutorial post regarding optimization of webpage which contains bulks of images. Let’s consider one scenario where you want to display hundreds of images at a time. And also your client wants this webpage should load faster. Now here is the problem, webpage won’t get loaded fully unless all of its images get download first. Which means as number of images in webpage increases the load time of that webpage also increased. To solve this problem we must reduce the webpage load time, indirectly it means that we need to load less amount of images. Consider a scenario where we load only one default image at each place of actual images indicating that these actual images are getting downloaded and using Javascript we will download these actual images after window finishes its loading. Following diagrams will help you to understand the flow. as one image wont takes too much time to load, therefore webpage speed inc...
Zainabed.com is a website that contains programming tutorials. These tutorials primarily cover programming technologies like Java, Spring Boot, AngularJS, Web Design, MongoDB, Microservices, and MySQL.