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Showing posts with the label Javascript

JSON Tutorials : Getting Started

JSON is widely accepted text formatted structured data. JSON stands for " JavaScript Object Notation ". In general JSON can represent 1. Object of database record. 2. Object to represent a list of HTML elements. 3. Result of search query. 4. Response of an Ajax call. Here you can see JSON is used in many different areas and for many different scenarios. This means it has simple data structure. most of programming languages adopt it and it can flow easily from one connection to another. You can find JSON office definition here JSON Official Site . JSON is represented by two structural types, which includes two primitive types. Structural types Array : A sequential list of primitive data types between square brackets [ ] Object : Collection of key, value pair stored inside curly braces { }, where value would be primitive data type Primitive types : There are two primitive types key and value. " key " should be string and " value (data type)...

AngularJs Tutorial: Getting Started

This tutorial will help you to create a dynamic web application using power of AngularJs. ·   What is AngularJs AngularJs is javascript MVC framework (maintained by Google) which molds static HTML application to dynamic web application. That was a brief introduction, you can find more information on Wiki and AngularJS Site . AngularJs follows MVC pattern to separate out model from view and manage it by controller. See this image Goal of using AngularJs is to convert static HTML template to dynamic (Angular) template.   ·   How to convert static template to dynamic (Angular) Template Now consider the following static HTML template which contain list of movies title. <html> <head></head> <body>   <h1>Upcoming Movies</h1> <ul>     <li>       <span>Godzilla</span>     </li> <li>       <span>Batm...

JavaScript : Flash Title For New Message

Whenever you chat with your friends on Facebook or Gmail, you often see new blinking message which appears on Title of browser when you’re on other webpage or tab. I always feel how they would notify us with this message. After some research I found that it is a small JavaScript which makes this happen. This tutorial post will help you to flash Title of web browser for new message. Let’s look at some JavaScript stuff var message_interval = null; var user = 'Zainul'; var message = 'Hello There'; var odd_even = 0; var old_title = document.title; /** * Show title message when new message arrives */ function showTitleMessage() { // set time interval message_interval = setInterval(function() { // reset title and execute next task when user returs to this tab $(window).bind('focus', function() { clearInterval(message_interval); document....

Preload Images Using Javascript

Preload Image is technique which helps browser to render images with minimum delay. Today we will see example of image gallery. Gallery contain 5 images which load images one after another whenever user clicks next and back button. This is a basic image gallery scenario which is used in all possible website, then why we need preloaded images for this gallery? Now a day’s most of website becoming faster and user expectation is increasing. Suppose your website doesn’t use preload image technique for gallery and a user visits any image gallery from Google Plus or Facebook and visits your website gallery. Then that user always prefer those websites rather than yours. Why? Because your website load one image at a time. When user click on next button, then only gallery load image and user has wait till it get loaded. To avoid this situation gallery needs to download all images ...

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