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Showing posts with the label Spring Boot

Spring Boot RestTemplate Guide with Example

What is RestTemplet? RestTemplate is a HTTP Client library that provides basic APIs for executing different HTTP type requests. RestTemplate is one of the HTTP libraries available on the market. The Spring Boot team designed and maintains it. As previously said, it is a client library, which means it may be utilised in our application as a stand-alone dependency. To utilise it, you don't require a complete Spring boot application. It's suitable for use in simple Java applications as well as other frameworks such as Micronaut, Play and others. Setup Add RestTemplate dependency to project, for this tutorial I am creating a simple java application to consume HTTP request and a node application to provide HTTP service. For Gradle build tool Add the following dependency in the build.gradle file . // implementation group: 'org.springframework.boot' , name: 'spring-boot-starter-w...

How to enable SQL logs in Spring Boot application?

This tutorial will demonstrate how to enable and disable SQL log statements in a Spring Boot application in order to debug SQL flow. Problem You will frequently need to debug the SQL statement while developing a Spring Boot application with a SQL database. SQL debug logs can assist you figure out what's wrong with JPA statements and whether or not there's a problem with database connectivity. Example  If you've built custom Spring data JPA methods and need to know what SQL statement is being utilized behind them, return repository . findByUsernameIn ( usernames ); Then you can enable Hibernet debug mode to log SQL statements. Solution Update the application.yml file with the Hibernet configuration as logging: level: org: hibernate: DEBUG or as The SQL statement will appear in the application logs after modifying the configuration file and restarting the application. 2022-04-07 08:41...

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