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Showing posts with the label SQL

How to enable SQL logs in Spring Boot application?

This tutorial will demonstrate how to enable and disable SQL log statements in a Spring Boot application in order to debug SQL flow. Problem You will frequently need to debug the SQL statement while developing a Spring Boot application with a SQL database. SQL debug logs can assist you figure out what's wrong with JPA statements and whether or not there's a problem with database connectivity. Example  If you've built custom Spring data JPA methods and need to know what SQL statement is being utilized behind them, return repository . findByUsernameIn ( usernames ); Then you can enable Hibernet debug mode to log SQL statements. Solution Update the application.yml file with the Hibernet configuration as logging: level: org: hibernate: DEBUG or as The SQL statement will appear in the application logs after modifying the configuration file and restarting the application. 2022-04-07 08:41...

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