Introduction This tutorial will help you to log all level messages into console using Log4j plugin. In previous tutorial we have seen how to setup the log4j plugin in Maven and simple logging application. If you need to understand the basic of Log4J the visit previous tutorial. What we will do in this tutorial We saw in the previous tutorial that Log4J's default configuration set the logging level to Error, causing it to log only errors and fatal messages to the console. To overcome this problem, we need to override the default configuration. To do so, we need to write a Log4j configuration file named Log4j2.xml and update the correct logging level. Log4j supports YAML, JSON, and XML file formats for its configuration files. For this tutorial we are using Log4j2.xml Sample Log4j2.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Configuration status= "ERROR" > <Appenders> <Console name= "Console" target... is a website that contains programming tutorials. These tutorials primarily cover programming technologies like Java, Spring Boot, AngularJS, Web Design, MongoDB, Microservices, and MySQL.