JSON is widely accepted text formatted structured data. JSON stands for " JavaScript Object Notation ". In general JSON can represent 1. Object of database record. 2. Object to represent a list of HTML elements. 3. Result of search query. 4. Response of an Ajax call. Here you can see JSON is used in many different areas and for many different scenarios. This means it has simple data structure. most of programming languages adopt it and it can flow easily from one connection to another. You can find JSON office definition here JSON Official Site . JSON is represented by two structural types, which includes two primitive types. Structural types Array : A sequential list of primitive data types between square brackets [ ] Object : Collection of key, value pair stored inside curly braces { }, where value would be primitive data type Primitive types : There are two primitive types key and value. " key " should be string and " value (data type)...
Zainabed.com is a website that contains programming tutorials. These tutorials primarily cover programming technologies like Java, Spring Boot, AngularJS, Web Design, MongoDB, Microservices, and MySQL.